Published by THE STANDARD PRINTING CO.- Louisville, KY 1920

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A-B  C-E  F-G  H-K  L-P  Q-S  T-Z


Lanier, Harriet              96
Lanier, Thomas Martin        96
Larned, Charles P.           174
Laurence, Miss               64
Lee, Charles                 120
Lee, Elizabeth               126,129
Lee, Jouett                  74
Lee, Linda                   74
Lee, Mrs. Howard             110
Lee, Robert E.               69
Lee, William Paca            74
Lee, Willis                  129,130
LeMaster, Abby               82
Lester, Mrs. Kate Johnson    137
Levey, Mrs. Edgar J.         87
Lewis, Andrew                155
Lewis, Annah Hornsby         133
Lewis, Maria                 51
Ley, Thomas                  69
Lincoln, Abraham             82
Locke, Eleanor Anne          143,146
Logan, Priscilla             21
Loving, Emma                 23
Loving, Hector V.            23
Loving, Laura                23
Luce, Mrs. John              38
Luke                         118


Madison, James               126
Mallory, Betty               128,137
Mallory, Fanny               128,137
Mallory, Robert              128,137
Mambrino, Woodford           104
Mansir, Nell                 145
Marple, Mary                 86
Marshall, Burwell K.         106
Marshall, Elizabeth          106
Marshall, Louise             106
Marshall, Richard Veech      106
Marshall, Sallie Ewing       106
Martin, Eliza                74
Martin, John L.              23
Martin, Louisa               37
Martin, Major Thomas         74
Maupin, Maria                168
Maxey, Mrs. Walton           116
Mayo, Fannie                 149
McAdoo, William              168
McAfee, Annie                96
McAfee, James A.             96
McAfee, Leal                 96
McCandless, Mrs. Clay        171
McDonald, Fanny S.           87
McDonald, Harry P.           87
McDowell, Henry Clay         105
McDowell, Mrs. Henry         39
McFerran, James C.           143
McFerran, John B.            105,143
McGonigale, Florence Joyes   95
McGonigale, John             95
McGonigale, Mary             95
McGonigale, William          95
McKinley, Mary               62,67
McLean, Hancock              133
McLean, John                 133
McLennan, Mrs. Alexander     136
McMurtrie, Dr. Henrico       12
Menefee, Margaret            87
Menefee, Richard H.          87
Menefee, Richard Jouett      87
Meriwether, Addie            137
Meriwether, Edmund Taylor    137
Meriwether, Fanny            41
Meriwether, Richard          170
Messick, Dr. B. M.           116
Messick, Martha M.           116
Middleton, Mrs. Arthur H.    38
Miller, Alice                72
Miller, Dr. Warwick          41
Miller, Harriet Josephine    74
Miller, John Adam            74
Miller, Judge Isaac          41
Milton, Newton               50
Minn, Charles                55
Minn, Sarah                  113
Minnigerode, Mrs. Barbour    38
Minnigerode, Mrs. J. Barbour 34
Mitchell, Margaret           147
Mitchell, Mrs. Edward        37
Morton, David Cummins        86,119
Morton, Douglas              86
Morton, Edward Davis         86
Morton, Hattie               84
Morton, Henrietta Barton     86
Morton, Jane                 86
Morgan, John                 134
Morton, Lewis D.             86
Morton, Rogers               86
Morton, Susanne Speed        86
Morton, Thruston             86
Muir, Isabelle               30,31
Munford, Theodore            144
Murphy, John                 120
Murphy, Mary May             120
Murray, Logan C.             22


Nagle, Della                 96
Netherton, Hester            69
Neville, Anne                29
Neville, Joseph              29
Newbold, Mrs. E. C.          72
Newcomb, Mrs. Herman         64,137
Nicholas, Emma               39
Nicholas, George             39,76,115
Nicholas, Pope               39,115
Nicholas, Samuel Smith       38,39
Nicholas, Tina               39,64,65
Nichols, Mary Louise         100,106
Nicholson, Carrie            87
Norton, Caldwell             41,63
Norton, Edith                87
Norton, Ernest               41,63
Norton, John                 93


O'Fallon, Dr. James          54,118
O'Gara, Anne                 91,95
Oldham, Abigail              58,61,71,74,75
Oldham, Alfred Violett       74
Oldham, George               74,95
Oldham, Henry                62
Oldham, Josephine Miller     95
Oldham, Judge John Pope      74
Oldham, Penelope Pope        61,62,71,75
Oldham, Richard              74,75
Oldham, Susan                74
Oldham, William              61,67,70,71,74
Opechancanough               167
Ormsby, Peter F.             36
Ormsby, Stephen              61
Otter, Ann                   107
Otter, Bethel                107
Otter, William Mills         107
Overstreet, Mrs. Sam         136
Owen, Jennie                 51
Owsley, Edna                 96
Owsley, Heaton               96
Owsley, John                 96


Palmer, Dr. E. R.            136
Paradise, Sallie             22
Parker, Will                 87
Patton, James                75,168
Payne, Ella                  41,63
Payne, Henry                 110
Payne, J. B.                 62
Payne, Jennette Garvin       110
Payne, John                  110
Payne, Sue                   61,62,65
Payne, Thomas Henry          110
Pearce, Amelia Neville       30,31,50
Pearce, Edmund               50
Pearce, Ellen                50
Pearce, James                48,49,50
Pearce, John                 50
Pearce, Susannah             50
Pearce, Mrs. Nolan Milton    50
Peay, Alice                  85
Peay, Austin                 85
Peay, Eliza                  85
Penn, Clark                  169
Penn, George Floyd           169
Perrin, Virginia             85
Peter, Arthur                64
Peter, Letty Lee             85
Peter, Mrs. Arthur           137
Phelps, Judge Wesley         171
Philips, Susan               87
Pinney, Mrs. A. B.           30
Pirtle, Henry                83
Pope, Alexander              37,40,67,

Pope, Mrs. Alexander         61
Pope, Alfred Thruston        76,77,115
Pope, Ann                    69
Pope, Anna                   72
Pope, Beheathland            75
Pope, Benjamin               69,70,71,75
Pope, Charles                40,67,73
Pope, Col.                   72
Pope, Curran                 76,115,117
Pope, Cynthia                73
Pope, Edmonia                76,115
Pope, Edmund Pendleton       76,77,115
Pope, Ellen                  76,115,116
Pope, Fontaine               72
Pope, J. Worden              77
Pope, George                 75
Pope, Henrietta              72
Pope, Henry                  72
Pope, Hesterton Netherton    71
Pope, Jane                   69,71
Pope, John                   69,75
Pope, Maria                  73
Pope, Martha                 40,67,73
Pope, Mary Anna              39,76,115
Pope, Mary Tyler             76,77,115
Pope, Nathaniel              69,75
Pope, Patrick Henry          76,115
Pope, Penelope               37,61,67,70, Pope, William                67,69,70,71, Pope, Worden                 69,71,75,76,115
Powhatan                     167
Prather, Blanche             37
Prather, Capt.               41
Prather, Capt. Basil         40
Prather, Catherine Cornelia  39
Prather, Eliza               41,62
Prather, James Smiley        37
Prather, Julia               38,39
Prather, Kate                38
Prather, Margaret            38
Prather, Maria Julia         39
Prather, Martha              38
Prather, Martha Meriwether   41
Prather, Mary                37,41
Prather, Mary Churchill      20,42,63
Prather, Mary Jane           38
Prather, Matilda             37,38
Prather, Miss                40
Prather, Miss Eppie          38
Prather, Mrs.                37
Prather, Penelope            38
Prather, Richard             41,62
Prather, Sue                 38
Prather, Thomas              11,34,35, Prather, William             37,38,72,73
Prather, William             72
Prather, William             73
Prentice, Clarence           64
Prentice, Julia McWilliams   64
Preston, Col.                153,156,158, Preston, Letitia             158,169
Preston, William             125,129,153, Prettyman, Mabel             85
Princess, Nicketti           167
Copyright 2002 Renee Bunck