Published by THE STANDARD PRINTING CO.- Louisville, KY 1920USGenWeb Project NOTICE:
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Sketched from a portrait in the home of her granddaughter,
Mary Jane Bell, on Fourth Street. Sarah Veech Garvin was
the daughter of John and Agnes Weir Veech and the wife
of William Garvin.Foreword
Typical of the gentlefolk who came to the Kentucky frontier in the last thirty years of the Eighteenth century are the twelve families grouped in this series, known as Louisville's First Families. An effort has been made to picture the early social life of Louisville as inaugurated by the twelve families included and by similar families of culture and refinement that emigrated from Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania to the wilderness in the late seventeen hundreds.
From family records and traditions that have come down, verbally, through the several generations, material was obtained with which to illustrate the permanency of these families in the city, listing the descendants of the pioneers, to link the Eighteenth century with the Twentieth, and to indicate the shaping influence of such people upon the growth of a community.